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永定土楼,位于中国东南沿海的福建省龙岩市,是世界上独一无二的神奇的山区民居建筑,是中国古建筑的一朵奇葩。它分方形和圆形两种,历史悠久、风格独特,规模宏大、结构精巧。永定现存著名的圆楼360座,著名的方楼4000多座。圆形土楼是客家居民的典范,它就像地下冒出的“蘑菇”,又如同自天而降的“飞碟”,在冷战时期,它曾被西方国家认为是我国的核反应堆。永定土楼是东方文明的一颗明珠,是世界上独一无二的山区大型夯土民居建筑,创造性的生土建筑艺术杰作。它以历史悠久、种类繁多、规模宏大、结构奇巧、功能齐全、内涵丰富著称,具有极高的历史、艺术和科学价值,被誉为“东方古城堡”、“世界建筑奇葩”,“世界上独一无二、神话般的山区建筑模式”。 2008年7月7日成功列入“世界文化遗产名录”,2011年8月30日,福建土楼·永定景区荣膺国家5A 级旅游景区。


Fujian Tulou Yongding Scenic Spot is a world cultural heritage and a national 5A-level tourist scenic spot. Yongding Tulou, located in Longyan City, Fujian Province, on the southeast coast of China, is a unique and magical mountain residential building in the world and a wonderful work of ancient Chinese architecture. It is divided into square and round, with a long history, unique style, large scale and exquisite structure. There are 360 famous round buildings and more than 4,000 famous square buildings in Yongding. Circular Tulou is a model of Hakka residents. It is like a mushroom emerging from the ground and a flying saucer falling from the sky. During the Cold War, it was once considered by western countries as a nuclear reactor in China. Yongding earth building is a pearl of oriental civilization, a unique large rammed earth residential building in mountainous areas in the world, and a creative masterpiece of native architectural art. It is famous for its long history, wide variety, large scale, ingenious structure, complete functions and rich connotation, and has high historical, artistic and scientific values. It is known as "the ancient castle of the East", "the wonderful work of world architecture" and "the unique and Shinhwa-like mountain architectural model in the world". On July 7, 2008, it was successfully listed in the "World Cultural Heritage List", and on August 30, 2011, Fujian Tulou Yongding Scenic Spot won the national 5A-level tourist scenic spot.





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