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编剧、导演⊙庄一 演员⊙庄一、张津铭、洪子云 舞台监督⊙吕雨舟   一年一度的国际文学盛事——山人茶会在莫伽山举行,享誉文坛已久的幽默小说家A偕其夫人悬疑小说家B同来赴会,遇到了当红的文艺爱情




一年一度的国际文学盛事——山人茶会在莫伽山举行,享誉文坛已久的幽默小说家A偕其夫人悬疑小说家B同来赴会,遇到了当红的文艺爱情作家C,颇为投缘。茶会结束当夜,皆难成眠的三人在下榻的山中别墅闲聊,B提议玩一个故事接龙游戏。游戏从B开始,以山中别墅和当晚情境为背景,虚构一个男人的故事。而这个故事的接龙采取这样的形式:每个人编的故事片段都在这个男人打开一扇新的门时结束,下一个人则须以自己的写作风格先行复述前人讲过的所有片段,然后才续写自己的片段。B讲完故事轮到C, 接着是A, 最后再由B结束。游戏中,如何把前面已有的故事内容,成功化为自己故事的一部分,正是这三位成名作家所面临的挑战。故事将从惊悚悬疑化作甜美浪漫,再化作荒谬滑稽,终再变回惊悚悬疑。随着游戏进行,虚构的故事渐渐和正在叙述的三人发生某种微妙关联,现实和虚构的界限开始模糊,层层悬念展开:三人在各自叙述的部分里,究竟在刻意隐藏自己的什么秘密,又无意暴露了什么秘密?这个故事会如何结束?而游戏的最后,三人的关系又是如何?

The Villa

Playwright / Director⊙Mark Zhuang   

Actor⊙Mark Zhuang / Chelsea Zhang / Pinky Hong

Stage Manager⊙Selena Lu

It is midnight at Mojia Mountain. A phantom piano melody wafts through the crispy autumn air of the picturesque Wangchuan Villa. The villa was home to 'Mountain Men's Tea Party', the three-day annual literature conference, which just concluded five hours ago. The prominent satire novelist Mr. A is one of the very few attendees who decide to stay for another night. He finds it hard to fall sleep, so he gets up and wanders around the villa with his wife Ms. B, the talented thriller writer. They run into Miss C, the femme fatale romance novelist suffering from insomnia, in the lounge room.  The three chatted to pass the time, and B proposed a storytelling game for all to play…

But it turns out to be a rather dangerous game – as it goes on, not only reality develops a chilling velocity to creep into fiction, but fiction also eerily begins to spill over into reality. What are the motifs and motives of each particular version of fiction? What secrets is each writer trying to veil with the storytelling? What secrets, unknowingly, come to the fore? How will the story end? Where will they end up when the game is over?

相关专题: 2014乌镇戏剧节  



标签:乌镇戏剧节 旅游 凤凰旅游

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