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万历十五年粤语演出(附中英文字幕) 编剧:胡恩威、张建伟 导演、设计、故事:胡恩威 改编自黄仁宇同名著作 舆论与媒体评论: “富警世意识的实验剧场。” —— 徐克 “胡恩威在哪,最新的创意潮流就在哪



明朝万历十五年,公元一五八七年。距离满清入关只有五十七年,距离鸦片战争则尚有两个半世纪;而西方社会脱离了中世纪的黑暗时代,刚踏进文艺复兴时期不久,并逐渐迈向工业革命。对于一般史学家来说,这年无事可记;但黄仁宇先生却认为,这年所发生的一些小事,以大历史(macro-history) 的眼光来看,足以揭示中国往后数百年至今的命运。


作者黄仁宇,多年的从军生涯使其深切体会中国现代革命的各种影响。退休后深研明朝财政制度,从而启发《万历十五年》一书的概念。本书于一九八一年出版,获美国国家书卷奖(American Book Awards) 历史类好书两度提名;更成为耶鲁大学中国历史课程必备教科书。在华语世界销售达二十万册以上,其影响力早已超出学术界,成为政商高层必备的中国历史参考书籍。



About 1587, A Year of No Significance

As a Historical Event

AD 1587 was the fifteenth year of the reign of Ming Emperor Shen Zong. It was 57 years before the Manchus entered China and set up the Qing Dynasty; the Opium War was still two and a half centuries away. The Western world had just emerged from the Dark Ages, and was entering into the Renaissance. The Industrial Revolution was creeping ever closer. For ordinary historians, this year held nothing of significance. However, Ray Huang took the view that certain innocuous incidents – seen from the perspective of macro-history – were harbingers, as it were, of China’s destiny during the several hundred years that followed.

As a Book

Ray Huang’s many years of military experience gave him deep insight into the impact of modern revolution in China. After he retired from military service he devoted his time studying the financial and political systems of the Ming Dynasty, which ultimately inspired the book 1587, A Year of No Significance. The book was published in 1981, and has twice been nominated under the history category for the American Book Award. It has even become compulsory reading for a Chinese history course at Yale University. With over 200,000 volumes of the Chinese edition sold, its impact has gone beyond academic circles and is now an indispensable history reference book for political and business leaders.

As a Play

Zuni Isocahedron was authorized to create a stage adaptation of the book, with director Mathias Woo and playwright Zhang Jianwei creating a stage drama that is as close to the original book as possible. The play consists of 6 segments covering 6 characters, and is a multimedia reinterpretation using Kun Opera, an art form that is representative of the Ming Dynasty period. Worthy of note is the fact that Peony Pavilion, a classic Kun opera advocating the freedom to love, was completed during the reign of Emperor Shen Zong. Key segments of the Kun Opera are inserted into the play, as reinforcements of the experience of each of the six characters.













化妆、发型:Lam Alex Workshop










特别感谢:Jefferson Huang(著作授权)、上海话剧艺术中心演员

Creative Team:

Script: Mathias Woo, Zhang Jianwei

Director, Designer, Story: Mathias Woo

Original Author: Ray Huang

Actors: Yang Yongde, Huang Dahui,Jiang Ke,Zhong Jiacheng, Chen Haofeng

Special Kun Opera Guest Performers: Shi Xiaomei, Zhao Jian, Kong Aiping, Shan Xiaoming

Image Design: Zhang Shuping

Music Director: Yu Yiyao@People Mountain, People Sea

Creative Coordinator: Chen Haofeng

Lighting Design: Kuang Yali

Sound Design and Control: Zhong Fangting

Multimedia Animation Design: Chiu Kwong Chiu (Design and Cultural Studies Workshop, Lat Tat Tat Wing)

Hair and Makeup: Lam Alex Workshop

Video: Fang Xiaodan

Stage Manager: Zhou Junyan

Tour Manager: Zhou Baoyi

Production Manager: Li Haoxian

Executive Stage Supervisor: Zheng Huiying

Executive Stage Design, Rehearsal Coordinator: Liu Si

Subtitle Control: Chen Anqi

Rehearsal Coordinator: Xu Peiyun

Wardrobe Assistant, Makeup (Kun Opera): Tang Yin

Wardrobe Assistant: Chen Weier

Special thanks to Jefferson Huang and the actors of the Shanghai Dramatic Arts Centre.




About Zuni Icosahedron

Zuni Icosahedron was founded in 1982. Funded by the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, it is one of Hong Kong’s most prominent international experimental theatrical groups. The Group is focused on the promotion of new art forms in Hong Kong’s cultural and art scene through diversified drama works, development of digital media and cross-media art models. It also actively promotes international cultural exchanges through activities such as art review and research on cultural policies. The experimental work of Zuni Icosahedron has continued to inspire the development of art and stage aesthetics in Chinese society.



进念联合艺术总监暨行政总裁。从事编剧、导演、监制和策划等多方面的工作,是跨界剧场及多媒体剧场先锋,作品以强烈视觉影像建构剧场美学,作品曾应邀于北京、南京、上海、苏州、东京、新加坡、台北、柏林、布鲁塞尔、克拉科夫等世界各地演出,主题涵盖文学、历史、时政、建筑、宗教,包括《华严经》、《万历十五年》、《半生缘》、《东宫西宫》系列,昆剧《临川四梦汤显祖》及《紫禁城游记》,多媒体建筑音乐剧场系列《路易简的时代和生活》及《Looking for Mies》等,先后与多位华人剧场达人赖声川、林奕华、孟京辉等合作,负责多媒体舞台设计。2009年,胡氏策划了香港首个以建筑为题的“建筑是艺术节”,透过剧场演出、展览、讲座及研讨会等艺术形式,向市民大众展示不同层面的知识、美学和思辩的方法和讨论,探索建筑及剧场的各种艺术可能。2012年凭《Looking for Mies》获香港设计中心颁发“亚洲最具影响力优秀设计奖”。2013年获《南方都市报》颁授“深港生活大奖年度艺文人物奖”。

Playwright, Director, Designer, Story: Mathias Woo

Matthias Woo is the Co-Artistic Director and Executive Director of Zuni Icosahedron, where he functions as playwright, director, producer and planner. He is among the first to handle cross-media dramatic works and multimedia plays, and his works usually contain powerful visual images. His works have been performed in Beijing, Nanjing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Tokyo, Singapore, Taipei, Berlin, Brussels and Krakow. They cover literature, history, current affairs, architecture and religion and include Hua-yen Sutra, 1587, A Year of No Significance, Eighteen Springs, the East Wing West Wing series, Tang Xianzu’s Dream on Dreams and A Tale of the Forbidden City, as well as multimedia theater series combining architecture, music and theater, such as The Life and Times of Louis I. Kahn and Looking for Mies. With regard to multimedia stage design, he has collaborated with numerous masters of Chinese theater such as Stan Lai, Edward Lam and Meng Jinghui. In 2009 Woo planned and executed the inaugural “Architecture is Art Festival” in Hong Kong. This festival explored the artistic possibilities of architecture and theater. Different levels of knowledge, aesthetics and debate were presented to the public and discussed in formats such as theatrical performances, exhibitions, seminars and forums. In 2012 Woo was awarded the “Asia’s Most Influential Designer Award” by the Hong Kong Design Center for his work on Looking for Mies. In 2013 the Southern Metropolitan Daily presented Woo with the “Shenzhen and Hong Kong Life Award for Artistic Personality of the Year.”




Playwright: Zhang Jianwei

Zhang wrote the screenplay for the epic television serial For the Sake of the Republic of China. He previously worked as a senior reporter for China Youth Daily. He studies history in his spare time and has published numerous influential news reporting collections and documentary literature volumes, including the five-volume History Report by Zhang Jianwei: Late Qing Dynasty. He has received the “Fan Changjiang News Award” and the “Lu Xun Literature Award.” He is also a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association and a Council Member of the China Documentary Literature Society.

相关专题: 2014乌镇戏剧节  



标签:旅游 凤凰旅游

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