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追忆演出介绍 丹麦语、挪威语、德语、意第绪语演出(附中英文字幕) 文本:埃尔斯·玛丽·劳克维克、 尤金尼奥·巴尔巴、 法兰斯·温特尔 导演:尤金尼奥·巴尔巴 《追忆》是由欧洲先锋派代表——欧丁剧团所呈






11. 2 – 11.5  Shen Estate Teahouse Theatre

Performed in Danish, Norwegian, German and Yiddish, with English and Chinese surtitles

Odin Teatret (Denmark)

Text: Else Marie Laukvik, Eugenio Barba, Frans Winther

Directed by Eugenio Barba




“Music can save lives. Memoria is an intimate performance where the audience (maximum 40) is asked to take a seat in soft armchairs, arranged in a half circle. Just inches from us, in a dimly lit, Jewish living room with gold wallpaper and gold edges on the tea cups -- sits an old woman and a musician. In the next hour, they sing and tell the audience, in a suggestive mix of Danish language, Norwegian, German and Yiddish, two testimonials from Nazi concentration camps...

The performance asks us urgently for remembering - never to forget - these incidents.”-- Berlingske Tidende

“Memoria is definitely one of the Odin Theatre’s more readily accessible pieces. It is one of the most beautiful theatre experiences that the undersigned has ever had. It is an important piece, especially for us who can not remember the terrible time during World War II and who do not know about the human consequences. After telling the two stories with unaffected pathos, the performers take the audience into a storm of emotions – This is the pain of remembering. And this is where the horror really hits the audience.”-- Dagbladet Holstebro




这部剧作献给在奥斯维辛集中营里幸存下来,之后又自杀的作家普里·利未(Primo Levi)和简·埃默里(Jean Améry)。此戏将于古朴静谧的沈家戏园上演。这个关于摩西和斯黛拉的故事,它的原型来源于亚法·叶里阿奇的书作——《大屠杀中的哈西德教徒》。


About Menoria

Memoria is a chamber performance by the seminal European avant-garde theatre group Odin Teatret, with music and songs about the children Moshe and Stella. The play deals with the burden of remembering and the commitment not to forget, with the challenges of returning home after deportation, and with a stranger singing under a tree.

The performance, in the intimate environment of the Shen Estate Teahouse Theatre, is dedicated to the writers Primo Levi and Jean Améry who survived Auschwitz only to commit suicide later. The true stories about Moshe and Stella come from the book by Yaffa Eliach: Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust.

The show will only admit 40 audience members per performance.






Text: Else Marie Laukvik、Eugenio Barba、Frans Winther

Director: Eugenio Barba

Actress: Else Marie Laukvik

Musician: Frans Winther






About Odin Teatret

Odin Teatret was created in Oslo, Norway, in 1964, and moved to Holstebro (Denmark) in 1966, changing its name to Nordic Theatre Laboratory/Odin Teatret. Today, its members come from a dozen countries and three continents.

Odin Teatret’s almost 50 years as a laboratory have resulted in the growth of a professional and scholarly milieu characterised by cross-disciplinary endeavours and international collaboration. One field of research is ISTA (Inter- national School of Theatre Anthropology), which since 1979 has become a performers’ village where actors and dancers meet with scholars to compare and scrutinise the technical foundations of their scenic presence. Another field of action is the Theatrum Mundi Ensemble, which since the early 1980s presents performances with a permanent core of artists from many traditions.

Odin Teatret has so far created 74 performances, presented in 63 countries and different social contexts. In the course of these experiences, a specific Odin culture has grown, founded on cultural diversity and the practice of ”barter”: Odin actors present themselves through their work to a particular milieu which, in return, replies with songs, music and dances from its own local culture. The barter is an exchange of cultural manifestations and offers not only an insight into the other’s forms of expression, but is equally a social interaction which defies prejudices, linguistic difficulties and differences in thinking, judging and behaving.




Playwright/Director: Eugenio Barba

Honorary Chairman of this year’s Festival.

相关专题: 2014乌镇戏剧节  



标签:旅游 凤凰旅游

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