
第二届乌镇戏剧节剧目之女性独角特选——《 墙壁中的精灵》


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墙壁中的精灵韩语演出(附中英文字幕) 编剧:Bae Sam-Sik(裴三植) 原著:Hukuda Yosiyuki 导演:Sohn Jin-Chaek 剧目介绍: 《墙壁中的精灵》是一出女性独角戏,剧









10. 31 - 11. 2  Studio Theatre of the Grand Theatre

Performed in Korean, with English and Chinese surtitles

Michoo Theater (South Korea)

Playwright: Bae Sam-Sik

Based on the novel by Hukuda Yosiyuki

Director: Sohn Jin-Chaek

Solo Performance by Kim Sung-Nyo



《墙壁中的精灵》是一出女性独角戏,剧中的30个角色都将由韩国现代著名戏剧演员Kim Sung-Nyo(金星女)完成角色诠释。




About The Fairy in the Wall

The Fairy in the Wall is a one-woman show in which one of the most acclaimed actresses of modern Korean theatre, Kim Sung Nyo, plays all 30 characters.

The story is based on a real event that occurred during the Spanish Civil War. It has been adapted by the Korean playwright Bae Sam-Sik, who narrates the story through the lens of Korean history and culture. Every character in the play speaks in a different dialect, thus adding to the appeal of the work.

The story begins with a little girl who hears a voice coming from the wall of her house. Believing the voice to be a fairy, she makes friends with it. When she grows up, she finds out that the fairy is actually her father, whom she always believed to have died in the war. In fact, after the war ended, her father was able to escape with his life but, caught in the ideological conflict, he was branded a communist. From then on, he had no other choice but to hide in the wall of his house.

Although the historical background of this story is a country torn apart by civil war and ideological division, everyone can respond to this heart-felt story of the profound love that makes us tackle great obstacles for our families.


编剧:Bae Sam-Sik(裵三植)

导演:Sohn Jin-Chaek (孙桭策)

演员:Kim Sung-Nyo(金星女)

作曲家:Kim Chul-Hwan

舞台设计:Park Dong-Woo

灯光设计:Kim Chang-Gi

服装设计:Choi Bo-Kyung

Playwright: Bae Sam-Sik

Director: Sohn Jin-Chaek

Performer: Kim Sung-Nyo

Composer: Kim Chul-Hwan

Set Designer: Park Dong-Woo

Lighting Designer: Kim Chang-Gi

Costume Designer: Choi Bo-Kyung



美丑剧场1986年由剧作家孙桭策创立,其宗旨为“传统之现代化”。从此,美丑剧场努力用各种不同的形式表现韩国情感,包括传统剧、现代剧场和歌舞剧。除了这些已存在的形式,美丑剧场已成功的发明了一个在韩国剧场的新的戏剧形式叫做“游唱剧场”,并发扬光大。“游唱剧场”已经变成美丑剧场的例行演出方式,利用传统民间剧场的反讽和喜剧元素,得到了观众广大的欣赏与支持。这些戏不但好玩,还有一些值得回味的思想。近来的演出,包括Yulha Dairy Manbo、李尔王和墙壁中的精灵,都是美丑剧场致力创造韩国优质舞台剧的尝试。

About Michoo Theatre

Michoo Theatre Company was established in 1986 by playwright, Jin-chaek SOHN, under the motto of ‘modernization of tradition’. Since then, it has worked to express Korean sentiments in a variety of genre including traditional plays, modern drama and musicals. As well as regular programs on offer, it has successfully introduced and implanted the genre of ‘Madangnori’ in the Korean dramatic field. As part of its regular on-going programs, ‘Madangnori’, makes use of parody and comedy present in traditional plays that have earned the wide support and appreciation of the audience by offering both fun and a salient message. Its most recently acclaimed works of Yulha Diary Manbo, King Lear and The Fairy in the Wall are part of its efforts to create quality plays in Korea.



1947年生的孙桭策是韩国著名的舞台剧导演。他的导演风格将韩国传统表演艺术有效地融入当代剧场作品中。Sorabol大学剧场艺术系毕业之后,他共同创办了Minye剧团,1984年以Seoul Maltugi的演出作为他的导演首部曲。1982年在英国皇家莎士比亚剧团进修一年。1986年,孙桭策创立了自己的剧团——美丑剧团。他为美丑剧团导演多部作品,同时经营美丑工作室,美丑演员训练学校,以及美丑乐团。自从1981年以来,他也是每年面具民俗舞蹈戏剧节的主持者,该节每年呈现各种不同面貌的传统韩国表演艺术。三十多年来,该戏剧节每年都能吸引超过二十万的观众,早已成为韩国过农历年时最热门的节目。孙桭策也为韩国国家事务贡献良多,包含作为1988年汉城奥运会的附属汉江艺术文化节的执行长,并为2002年世界杯足球赛开幕典礼导演。近年来,孙桭策担任韩国国家剧团的艺术总监,至今年才卸任。

Director  Sohn Jin-chaek

Born 1947. Sohn Jin-chaek is known in Korea and abroad as a director who brings traditional Korean performing arts methods into contemporary theater works in effective ways. After majoring in theater arts at Sorabol College, he participated in the founding of the theater company Minye and made his directing debut with the company in 1984 with the production Seoul Maltugi. In 1982 he studied for one year at the Royal Shakespeare Company in the UK. In 1986, Sohn started his own theater company Michoo, for which he has directed numerous works since, while also managing the Michoo Studio, the Michoo Actors School and the Michoo Orchestra. Since 1981 he has also organized the annual Madang-Nori festival presenting a variety of traditional Korean performing arts. In its 30th holding this year, this festival draws more than 200,000 visitors annually and has become one of the popular events of the Korean New Year’s season. Sohn has also played a prominent role in national events, including serving as chief director of the Han River Festival of arts and culture accompanying the 1988 Seoul Olympics and directed the opening ceremony for the 2002 FIFA World Cup. In addition to his theater directing, Sohn has also played a leading role as a festival director and artistic director for a number of performing arts festivals. Currently he is artistic director of the National Theater Company of Korea.



金星女是韩国民俗歌剧名伶Park Ok-Jin和制作人Jim Hyang的女儿。金星女五岁就上台,从事各种不同的舞台剧及歌舞剧的演出,长达五十年。她的演艺生涯涵盖了所有韩国剧场的类型。

金星女于1986年得百想艺术大赏(韩国历史最为悠久的的唯一综合类艺术奖项,有韩国“金球奖”之称),1991年得汉城戏剧节大奖,1996年得韩国音乐奖,2010年得Lee Haerang剧场奖等。这反映了她在韩国剧场一生中的崇高地位。


Kim Sung-nyo

Kim Song-nyo is the daughter of changgeuk prima donna Park Ok-jin and the producer Kim Hyang. She made her stage debut when she was 5, and has since performed in plays, musicals and dramas for 50 years. Her versatility covers every genre of performance art.

She has won the Baeksang Arts Award (1986), Seoul Theater Festival Award (1991), Korean Musical Award (1996), Lee Haerang Theater Award (2010) and many more. They represent her prolific and rewarding life as an actress.

In 1986, she founded the Michoo Theatre together with her husband, Sohn Jin-chaek. In 2012, Kim became the artistic director of the National Changgeuk Company of Korea. She's leading the effort to increase the popular appeal of changgeuk, a traditional form of stage art.

相关专题: 2014乌镇戏剧节  



标签:旅游 凤凰旅游

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